2015년 3월 11일 수요일

Way to use Wi-Fi in Korea

This article was translated by Google Translator.

South Korea is easy to use Wi-Fi.

However, It can be difficult to use because most it provide for agency subscribers.

You can use Wi-Fi in the cafe, but it requires a password.

The hotel also provides for a fee.

If you want to use it anywhere while traveling, rent a router.

Let's see how you can rent and price.

1. Incheon Airport Departure Hall carrier visit
  ▶ There Korea, SKT / KT / LGT is the carrier.
     The first floor of the booth at the airport, all operators have a router for rent
  ▶ days rent fee : ₩ 8,800 (varies by carrier)
  ▶ Benefits: Describes how to use additional products leasable

  ▶ Disadvantages: Not for rent Router quantity / time spent waiting at early burnout.

 2. Pre-booking through Linkkorea.co.kr
  ▶ collected directly from Incheon airport operator KT Booth

  ▶ days rent fee : 6,600 won (1-10 days) / 4,400 (11 days)

  ▶ Benefits: Quantity router can be reclaimed

  ▶ Disadvantages: Reservations required.

 3. café, Wi-Fi usage in the hotel

  ▶ pay a certain amount, and the password can be obtained

  ▶ days rental: ??

  ▶ Benefits: Using Wi-Fi with the rest

  ▶ Disadvantages: Not available for out-of place

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