2015년 3월 11일 수요일

Way to use Wi-Fi in Korea

This article was translated by Google Translator.

South Korea is easy to use Wi-Fi.

However, It can be difficult to use because most it provide for agency subscribers.

You can use Wi-Fi in the cafe, but it requires a password.

The hotel also provides for a fee.

If you want to use it anywhere while traveling, rent a router.

Let's see how you can rent and price.

1. Incheon Airport Departure Hall carrier visit
  ▶ There Korea, SKT / KT / LGT is the carrier.
     The first floor of the booth at the airport, all operators have a router for rent
  ▶ days rent fee : ₩ 8,800 (varies by carrier)
  ▶ Benefits: Describes how to use additional products leasable

  ▶ Disadvantages: Not for rent Router quantity / time spent waiting at early burnout.

 2. Pre-booking through Linkkorea.co.kr
  ▶ collected directly from Incheon airport operator KT Booth

  ▶ days rent fee : 6,600 won (1-10 days) / 4,400 (11 days)

  ▶ Benefits: Quantity router can be reclaimed

  ▶ Disadvantages: Reservations required.

 3. café, Wi-Fi usage in the hotel

  ▶ pay a certain amount, and the password can be obtained

  ▶ days rental: ??

  ▶ Benefits: Using Wi-Fi with the rest

  ▶ Disadvantages: Not available for out-of place

Reduce worries about the quantity consumed through the reservation,

Get up to an additional discount

2015년 3월 10일 화요일

What Korea has any communication service?

This article was translated by Google Translator.

It is a communication tool that worries while traveling overseas.

Roaming? Phone Rental? SIM CARD? WI-Fi?

What Korea has any communication service?

1. Phone Rental

  ▶ Suitable for visiting on business customers

  ▶ Advantage: Available continue your phone

  ▶ Disadvantages: lower than that for roaming, but more expensive than the other services.

2. Sim card

  ▶ Suitable for car travel to visit clients

  ▶ Advantage: wherever data and calls are possible

  ▶ Disadvantages: do not use the home phone number (SIM CARD replacement)

3. Wi-Fi

  ▶ Suitable for customers who need data only

  ▶ Advantage: 1devie = Max 7 persons

  ▶ Disadvantages: local Wi-Fi signals can not be caught in accordance with.

4. Compare prices

2015년 3월 8일 일요일

Let's get South Korea travel information.

This article was translated by Google Translator.

Do you have plans to travel to South Korea?

The following site provides informations about attractions, experiences, restaurants, lodging, shopping, festivals.

1. KOREA Tourism Organization

2. Visit seoul

3. GyeongGi-Do (Yongin, Suwon, Ansung)

4. Busan

5. GyeongJu

6. Jeju

Korea SIM card & Wifi

2015년 3월 4일 수요일

CNN's selection of street food in Seoul TOP 10.

The following article has been translated by Google.

CNN's selection of street food in Seoul TOP 10.

If you are traveling around,

Also try to eat will be the good memories.

10. dakggochi (Chicken Skewers) - Insa-dong, jongno-gu

9. Mandu (dumpling) - Gwangjang market, Jongno-gu

8. Boong-a-pang (a carp-shaped bread) - Insa-dong, jongno-gu

7. Gamja hotdog (potaot hotdog) - Myeong-dong, Jung-gu

6. Ohdeng (fish cake) - Insa-dong, jongno-gu

5. Hotteok - Namdaemun market, Jung-gu

4. Soondea - Gwangjang market, Jongno-gu

3. Gimbap - Insa-dong, jongno-gu

2. Heamul-Pajun (seafood & welsh onion pancake) Heamul-Pajun - Gongduk market, Mapo-gu

1. tteokbokki (Rice cakes in hot sauce) - Jongno-gu

Korea SIM card & Wifi

2015년 2월 25일 수요일

Customs formalities in Korea

This article was translated by Google Translator.

January 2012 all Korea's port, incoming alien through the airport must go through a registration process that recognizes the fingerprint and face. All foreigners over the age of 17 will go through the following registration process.

If you are planning a trip to Korea, I hope also to know how the immigration takes place.

1. Submit your passport and arrival card. 

2. Provide fingerprints of both index fingers

3. take a face photo.(taken without a hat or sunglasses)

4. After the final confirmation of immigration officer, immigration clearance is completed.

The above process, as well as protecting its citizens, it is used to protect the tourists.

2015년 1월 20일 화요일

한국 입국시 통관 절차

방한 외국인은 점점 증가되어 가고 있고,
2015년 예상 방한 관광객 1620만명을 예상하고 있습니다.

외국인들은 한국을 들어올때 어떤 절차를 거쳐서 들어오게 될까요?

2012년 1월부터 한국의 모든 항구, 공항을 통해 들어오는 외국인들은 지문 및 얼굴을  인식하는 등록과정을 거쳐야 합니다. 17세이상 모든 외국인들이 다음과 같은 등록 과정을 거치게 됩니다.

1. 도착 카드와 여권을 제출 합니다.

2. 양손 집게손가락의 지문을 제공합니다.

3. 촬영을 하게 됩니다.(모자나 선그라스 없이 촬영)

4. 심사관의 최종 확인후 통관 과정이 마무리 됩니다.

위의 과정은 자국민의 보호 뿐만 아니라, 외국인 관광객 보호를 위해 이용 됩니다.

자료 출처 : 

2015년 1월 6일 화요일

Do you need pass card in korea?

Passcard in South Korea

than page is so helpful for you.

Towers of korea (한국의 타워들)

South Korea has many beautiful towers.
한국에는 아름다운 타워들이 많습니다.

namsan tower

1. First Namsan Tower(Seoul N tower) is a famous landmark in Korea.
    먼저 남산타워(서울N타워)는 한국의 유명한 랜드 마크 입니다.

Lotte super tower
2. This is Lotte super tower in Jamsil(Seoul)
서울 잠실에 있는 롯데 슈퍼타워 입니다.

It has not been completed, but lower floors were open.
아직 완공되진 않았지만, 저층부는 개장한 상태입니다.

Lower floors consists of a shopping mall, movie theater,aquarium,etc.
저층부는 쇼핑몰, 영화관, 아쿠아리움 등이 있습니다.

3. Busan Tower.
  부산 타워 입니다.

It located in Yongdusan park in busan.
부산 용두산 공원에 있습니다.

4.Each city representatives Tower
  각 도시별 대표 타워

If the tower in the area you are visiting, you're lucky.
위 탑이 있는 곳들 중에 당신이 방문 계획이 있다면, 당신은 행운아에요.